Cad Blue Soft Control - Run to 1k Sao Paulo

Cad Bane
He Who Needs No Introduction
Dagobah Swamp

Cunning AspectVigilance AspectVillainy Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $29.78
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Draw Cards

by magonx

Published September 02, 2024

Winner 7-0 (BO3) in São Paulo Run to 1k tournament hosted by XPlace store

78 players in total

This deck is super cheap yet super powerful. I'm the original creator of the list, feel free to copy and remix it!

First of all, I know this deck contains a bunch of 1 of cards. The reason for this is because it suits my playstyle better, but you could easily remix the list to include more copies of some cards if you like them as well. I garantee the most important cards in this list have 3x copies or 2x with another one in the sideboard for specific matchups. This is also a very low cost deck, but this doesn't mean it's weak by any means. Much for the contrary, this deck is able to wins against the entire meta game if played correctly!

The reason why this deck works very well is because while you are controlling the board, you're hitting your opponent at the same time. That means you play a Soft Control / Midrange style but with dozens of removal. This deck doesn't run out of gas because of all the smuggle cards and the possibilities of taking 2 for 1 trades thanks to Cad Bane pings.

Matchup breakdown:

Vs aggro This deck shines a lot and is capable of crushing hard aggro decks, like Sabine/ECL, Bobba/Y, Kylo, Tarkin, Han2, Inquisitor, Leia and others; while keeping a good board presence. At some point in the midgame, if you had taken very few damage in your base, you'll notice that you'll gain control of the board much more easier than other decks, while keeping a good damage pace per turn in your opponents base. Don't be afraid of using some of your units to trade with your opponents units, after turn 5 is when the decks starts to shine mostly because of the Cad Bane deploy (which can be very hard for aggro matchups to deal with). If the opponents doesn't remove Cad Bane from the field, he'll start losing even more. Just try to keep your base healthy because you have very few healing since we don't run Vigilance, and you should be good to go.

Vs midrange Should be your most difficult matchups, mostly because the units have high HP and also have some value when they are deployed. Matches vs Rey/R, Han1/G, Han2/B, Luke/G, Q'ira/G and Vader/G should be a little bit harder in comparison to aggro matches, but they are definitely winnable. Just try to keep the board clear as well and only use your spot removals in big targets, like Kreyt Dragons, Walkers, Luke/Vader units, etc . The low HP units should be cleared using your Ambush units or with the help of Cad Bane pings, so you'll start acumullating card advantage. Don't also be afraid to use Cad Bane to trade vs your opponents leader, because his 2 damage ping is more useful vs aggro other than vs midrange.

Vs control Should also be an easy matchup, since they won't put too much pressure onto you in the beginning of the match, but you'll also have a bunch of spot removal for their big threats. It's pretty much impossible to lose vs Vigilance Mill with this deck because you can use Restock to keep your deck safe and if they milled the this card, you can use the Bounty Hunter Crew to take it back, making an infinite loop as long as you keep one of them in your hand. Just keep punching them with small units and make them waste removal in your small units, while you hold your smuggle threats for the end game. You'll only lose vs control if they run too much card draw or if they run too much smuggle units as well, since they can outvalue your late game, but in general should be a good matchup for the deck as well.

Some key tricks to play this deck:

You can select the order of the Ambush + Ping when you play an Underworld card with Cad Bane. That means you can use Ambush to kill a unit and use the ping afterwards to kill another Unit. You can also invert this order, to bait your opponent to ping another Unit and then just don't use the ambush at all, to keep your unit healthy if you plan to use it later.

Always hold 1 space unit in the first hand as well as 1 ground unit. You should be mulliganing for Bazine, Cloud Rider, Cartel Spacer and Maklounkee, since these are the best early game drops for this deck.

Ma Klounkee is my favorite event card in this deck. It recycles a damaged unit, it triggers When Played again, it triggers Cad Bane ping since it's an underworld trick, it can be searched by Jabba and could be played by 0 cost and it definitely helps vs early units since no one's generally expecting a 1 cost card to deal 3 damage.

Jabba and 4-Lom are my favorite units in this deck. Jabba has a fat body and can survive multiple turns, it usually draws you a card and let you play them for a less cost. 4-Lom can kill ANY 5 health unit together with Cad's ping. That means if you kept a board clear vs Sabine, you can one shot her on turn 3 making it almost impossible for your opponent to come back from this.

I have more than 150+ matches with this deck in Karabast and I can assure you that you won't regret playing this deck in your local game store. You'll for sure get some aggro players to leave their table without assessing what happened to them hahaha

Feel free to experiment with other Underworld cards as well. It's very important to keep a good amount of Underworld units, since they are the ones who keep the Cad and Ma Klounkee engine going on.

Good luck pinging your opponents out of the game :)



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