Han 1 yellow - PQ - France - city -Toulouse - 04/01/25 - TOP 8

Han Solo
Audacious Smuggler
Chopper Base

Cunning AspectHeroism Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $175.79
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Draw Cards


Published January 05, 2025

Deck Explanation: The deck is designed to counter anything running TT. The choice of units is tailored for this purpose, with some specific picks like L3-37 and Liberated Slaves. It includes a mix of aggro (Cunning, Enfys, and the sideboard) and hard control (Boodhi, Spark, and the sideboard).

The deck’s weakness lies in anything running green RAMP. Even a simple Blue-Green Obi-Wan is very tough to deal with—you have to quickly deal damage or manage their RAMP cards (Resupply, Agent, etc.). Generally, DJ Combo is unplayable in this matchup unless we have a perfect starting hand.

Favorable matchups in the current meta: Boosk Blue Sabine Green Cad Red Jango Red Palpatine chancellor Blue Yoda Blue/Yellow

Unfavorable matchups: Anything running Green RAMP, such as Qira, Boosk, Obi-Wan, Han Solo, CAD etc.

Sideboard: Against Aggro: Bamboozle and Gamorrean Guards Against Control: A New Adventure for bounty units, and even replaying Boodhi or Zorii Bliss, Valiant Smuggler (to add another Smuggle). Against RAMP: I never found a solid answer. 😞 tell me if you find

Matches: Match 1: Boosk Blue 2-1: Victory after sideboarding. A New Adventure was a big help. Focus on discarding as many cards as possible and bringing back bounty units from the sideboard (even Waylay).

Match 2: Boosk Blue 2-1: Victory after sideboarding. A New Adventure was a big help. Focus on discarding as many cards as possible and bringing back bounty units from the sideboard (even Waylay).

Match 3: Qira Green (the PQ Winner) 0-2: I couldn’t discard or remove Resupply or Superlaser Tech from their hand at the start. I couldn’t get Han out because of weak plays with Boodhi or Spark.

Match 4: Cad Yellow 2-0: No particular difficulty; DJ did the work.

Match 5: Han Green 2-1: I shouldn’t have won, but my opponent didn’t draw Resupply when needed, or I managed to remove it.

Match 6: Cad Red TT 2-1: Lost the first game because I had nothing to play on turn 5 (DJ, Han, and Enfys were all missing), and I got caught up. The other two games were easy.

Match 7: Sabine Green (for Top 8) 2-0: Easy matchup. Cunning and the sideboard sped up the game even more.

Match 8: Boosk Green 0-2: Couldn’t do much. I was also sick (cold/fever worsened by the end of the day), made mistakes in card counts during turns, and misplayed. I played poorly overall. Too much RAMP (Resupply, Superlaser Tech, Bounty Ramp). This was the matchup I was least familiar with, as I hadn’t seen much of it on Karabast.

Top-performing cards: Sideboard was highly effective against matchups. Bamboozle was devastating against Sabine.

Underperforming cards: Auzituck Liberator Gunship R2-D2 These might need to be replaced.



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