// NEW Thrawn Blue // .dec exported on 07/03/2024 22:18:38 // // Leader and Base 1 Grand Admiral Thrawn, Patient and Insightful 1 Capital City // Ground Units 3 4-LOM, Bounty Hunter for Hire 2 Boba Fett, Disintegrator 2 Bossk, Deadly Stalker 3 Cloud-Rider 2 Dryden Vos, Offering No Escape 2 Gideon Hask, Ruthless Loyalist 3 Lady Proxima, White Worm Matriarch 2 Niima Outpost Constables 2 Tobias Beckett, I Trust No One 3 Zuckuss, Bounty Hunter for Hire // Space Units 2 Avenger, Hunting Star Destroyer 3 Black Sun Starfighter 2 Cartel Spacer 2 Pirated Starfighter 2 Xanadu Blood, Cad Bane's Reward // Events 2 Final Showdown 3 Ma Klounkee 2 No Good to Me Dead 2 Power of the Dark Side 2 Relentless Pursuit 2 Rival's Fall 2 Takedown