Crowd Sourced Rex Command

Captain Rex
Fighting for his Brothers
Droid Manufactory

Command AspectHeroism Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $120.00
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Published December 16, 2024

An updated version of my Double Green Rex list after playing some mirror matches with a local player and some randoms online.

Similar game plan as the previous iteration of the deck, however we now run Attack Pattern Delta and Manufactured Soldiers to better utilize our double green deck, as well as Colonel Yularen and General Rieekan to control the board and out tempo your opponent. I love Republic Tactical Officer, but it is a blank card on so many of our key early game units that it's hard to justify, that's where Adelphi Patrol Wing comes in! Letting us attack with a unit no matter what and even boosting it if we have initiative! Many of my match us tips remain the same, but the deck now has more defense and more ability to interact with the game.

Please leave a comment if you have a suggestion on how to improve the list or if you enjoy the deck!



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