Fast & Furious Kylo

Kylo Ren
Rash and Deadly

Aggression AspectVillainy Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $185.81
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Published July 10, 2024

This is Kylo Ren riding like Dominic Toretto.

It's an extremely fast aggro deck that can beat set 2 Han and Sabine in speed (I win most of my games in 4 to 6 turns!).

Discard everything you can to boost your turn 2-3 units with Kylo's ability (ideally discard Kylo's TIE Silencer and play it from your discard pile), and try getting in extra damage with your discards from Migs.

Migs is probably your best turn one play. Fifth Brother seems a little slow, I tend to discard/ressource him in favor of Toro Calican when possible, especially if I have IG-11 in hand (which triggers Toro's ability).

Ruthlessness is a 1 cost bomb, try to get it on Kylo or Toro, but anywhere it can push extra damage is great.

On turn 4 Kylo flips and gets really really pissed.

You want to reach 5 ressources to play IG-11 and 6 to play Ruthless Raider, which is your finisher unit - but honestly against a 25HP base it is frequent to win before Ruthless Raider comes out.

Don't ressource anything after 6 ressources, use Kylo's discard ability and WIN!

An exception to that would be against really grindy control matchups, where I would side-in Krayt Dragon as a finisher.

I'm still experimenting with the build, but thus far it has proven to be really, really fast, and super fun to play.




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