// Red Thrawn // .dec exported on 07/03/2024 22:31:52 // // Leader and Base 1 Grand Admiral Thrawn, Patient and Insightful 1 Tarkintown // Ground Units 3 Boba Fett, Disintegrator 3 Bossk, Deadly Stalker 2 Bounty Hunter Crew 3 Cell Block Guard 3 Death Star Stormtrooper 2 Emperor Palpatine, Master of the Dark Side 3 Viper Probe Droid // Space Units 3 Cartel Spacer 2 Chimaera, Flagship of the Seventh Fleet 2 Fett's Firespray, Pursuing the Bounty 3 Outer Rim Headhunter 2 Ruthless Raider 3 Seventh Fleet Defender // Events 3 Change of Heart 3 Cunning 3 Open Fire 2 Shoot First 3 Surprise Strike 2 Waylay