Win-a-box Undefeated Chirrut
Total: 50 Cards
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Published June 02, 2024
Took this list to a 16 player Win-A-Box showdown today at Aardvarks and Dragons in the UK and went 4-0 in Swiss and then 2-0 in the top cut. 2-0 in all matches.
As a disclaimer I'd say the match ups were pretty good for me, and I was definitely getting some very strong draws, but wanted to share to get some Chirrut love going.
Game 1 was against Green Sabine and both matches played out pretty much as expected - Played all the restore I could, traded board with force throw and open fire/force is with me on Chirrut flip turn. Continued to trade board until Luke and Redemption arrived.
Game 2 against Yellow Boba - A weird one with a friend; game 2 I completely forgot to resource so Chirrut came out a turn late, and I was honestly just lucky he didn't have a good Boba flip turn. Match up was just drop Boba ASAP and try and go as wide as possible to avoid cunning as best as possible. Cunning didn't end up being drawn by him so I did get lucky there. Redemption came in MVP again here against Firespray
Game 3 against Red Tarkin - A good match up for Chirrut but still had me struggling at times. Just played slow removing as many units as I could before they got out of hand with EXP (Some still did) and then waited for Luke/Mace to start closing out. Probably played a little too slow in hindsight and got fortunate Vader/ Relentless didn't show up sooner, something to bare in mind.
Game 4 against Yellow Boba - Played out very similarly to the other Yellow Boba game (Except I deployed Chirrut on time.). Force threw x2 in the same turn and was fortunate enough to remove the No Good To Me Dead which let me kill Boba with a Lightsaber in game 1, then in game 2 the Lightsaber was waiting for Boba so he delayed the deployment for a turn, which I think just let me sink a bit too much damage into his base for him to recover, as by the time Boba arrived, we were a turn off Luke, and two turns off Redemption.
Top cut was then playing against the Game 4 Yellow Boba again, and the games felt like a weird Deja Vu, followed by playing against the Red Tarkin again, which is why I think the list should be taken with a pinch of salt as it did completely duck any form of control, and only got to go against one aggro, but the deck historically hasn't been awful into Sabine and Leia.
If anyone does play this version into control would be good to hear how it does. I beat a couple Palpatines at weeklies the same week which were very good and hard fought game 3s, but haven't had a chance to play it against much other control in person.
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