// Overwhelming power // .dec exported on 07/01/2024 02:47:29 // // Leader and Base 1 Emperor Palpatine, Galactic Ruler 1 Kestro City // Ground Units 2 Admiral Motti, Brazen and Scornful 2 Admiral Piett, Captain of the Executor 3 Colonel Yularen, ISB Director 3 Emperor's Royal Guard 2 Escort Skiff 3 Fifth Brother, Fear Hunter 3 Homestead Militia 2 Reinforcement Walker 3 Seasoned Shoretrooper 3 Superlaser Technician // Space Units 2 Consortium StarViper 3 Imperial Interceptor 3 Ruthless Raider 3 Star Wing Scout // Events 2 Force Choke 2 Force Throw 3 Open Fire 3 Overwhelming Barrage 3 Resupply