// Bluessk // .dec exported on 12/22/2024 15:59:43 // // Leader and Base 1 Bossk, Hunting His Prey 1 Capital City // Ground Units 3 Dengar, The Demolisher 3 Jango Fett, Renowned Bounty Hunter 2 Krrsantan, Muscle For Hire 3 Pyke Sentinel 3 Stolen Landspeeder 3 The Client, Dictated By Discretion // Space Units 2 Disabling Fang Fighter 3 Inferno Four, Unforgetting 3 Kylo's TIE Silencer, Ruthlessly Efficient 3 Punishing One, Dengar's Jumpmaster 2 Ruthless Raider // Events 3 Force Choke 3 Open Fire 3 Power of the Dark Side 2 Takedown // Upgrades 3 Guild Target 3 Public Enemy 3 Top Target