Leia Command Center (Midrange)
Total: 50 Cards
Ground Units (28)
Space Units (9)
Events (13)
Sideboard (10)
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Published March 25, 2024
This deck plays similar to Red Leia just a little more mid range and combo oriented.
The focus is on sticky low-cost Rebels that can go wide (R2, Mon Mothma, Marine)
Turns 4/5/6 are pivot as you'll be setting up huge swings at your opponent. Command really helps to control their board, beef up your own. You can even set up surprise appearances by Leia if your opponent takes initiative early on turn 4 allowing her to swing in with a very chunky Rebel.
Does well against stock Sabine. On forcetable cards line up against Boba pretty decently too. If you're able to get one unit to stick to the board it's usually pretty easy to blow out Boba leader with Leia as soon as it deploys. Hard to tell how frequently this will work against real humans but I'll hopefully get some real games in in the near future.
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