// Mono Blue Yoda - UPDATED // .dec exported on 12/27/2024 18:56:09 // // Leader and Base 1 Yoda, Sensing Darkness 1 Dagobah Swamp // Ground Units 3 Bendu, The One In The Middle 1 Chewbacca, Pykesbane 2 Finn, On the Run 3 Kanan Jarrus, Revealed Jedi 3 Kuiil, I Have Spoken 2 Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight 1 Obi-Wan Kenobi, Following Fate 2 Sugi, Hired Guardian 2 The Zillo Beast, Awoken from the Depths 3 Village Protectors 3 Yoda, Old Master // Space Units 3 Concord Dawn Interceptors 2 Redemption, Medical Frigate 3 Restored ARC-170 // Events 3 Equalize 1 Fell the Dragon 2 Hello There 2 Mystic Reflection 2 Rival's Fall 3 Takedown 3 Vigilance // Upgrades 1 Perilous Position // Sideboard 2 Cargo Juggernaut 2 Disruptive Burst 2 Obi-Wan's Aethersprite, This Is Why I Hate Flying 1 Perilous Position 2 Restock 1 Vanquish