Hello There!

Obi-Wan Kenobi
Patient Mentor
Energy Conversion Lab

Command AspectVigilance AspectHeroism Aspect
Total: 51 Cards


Deck Price: $100.91
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Draw Cards

by Jasrond

Published November 20, 2024

Key Units:

  • Kanan Jarrus: The heal ability on attack makes him very useful especially at a 4 cost 4/5. Excellent target for ECL
  • Aayla Secura: Another excellent target for ECL. The Coordinate ability makes it a must have on turn six. Hide her behind Obi-wan or another sentinel.
  • Obi-wans Aethersprite: Can take out most of the large capital ships. Another good ECL target. With its when played/attack ability can take out Avenger, Firespray, and some of the other main larger ships.
  • Razor Crest: Is key to bringing back either one of your lightsabers if you happen to play them earlier. Even then the restore ability is so crucial.
  • Restored ARC-170: Restore ability from the get go.

Helpful Units:

  • Commander Cody fits with the theme of the deck. Hide him behind a sentinel and let his gift over +1/+1 and overwhelm to the other units do their work.
  • Hyuang: I like playing him turn 2 after playing Gamorrean Retainer. Gives you a 5/4 sentinel that will likely require two units or a single unit and tarkintown to defeat it.
  • Hello There: Removal. If you can't remove, it c an still be played on Leaders and other units just played, bringing them to lower health and an easy target for your units that round.
  • The Force is With me: Because of the heavy force influence, you can play with give two exp and a shield to your force units and then attack. Basically leads to a free kill on most plays or use it to protect an exhausted unit/leader with sentinel.
  • General and Jedi Lightsabers: I feel both are very key in this deck. Generals blade to help you add more units to the floor and +3/+3. Jedi Lightsaber with the same boost but being able to give -2/-2 to a unit you are attack.
  • Spark of Hope: This is a toss up but the chance to ramp even a little bit is always nice to take especially if you can bring out Obi-Wan early. It becomes a major treat at turn 5, or even turn 4 if you manage to pull that off. After turn 5, it is an immediate resource card.



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