You're all rebels arnt you?
Total: 50 Cards
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Events (16)
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Published July 03, 2024
After playing so many version of Jyn cunning, this one actually works.
--How it works-- Its an aggressive midrange deck that uses high health, low cost units to build advantages. R2D2, Chopper, C3PO, Pathfinders etc become scary early game units when you drop a wingleader down and then later General Dodonna.
The low cost units are sticky, use them to take favorable trades early with Jyns ability or to hit base if the trades arnt there. If you cant kill a unit and survive, bounce or exhaust it instead.
--Basic idea--
Turns 1-3 drop units and own the board.
Turns 4-5 bounce and exhaust stuff.
Turn 5 onwards you are hoping to have Jyn, Dondonna and a handful of rebels to close out the game.
This deck requires you to fight for tempo, the moment you have it start slapping base.
--Combos-- 'A New Adventure' does some heavy lifting in this deck, you can use it to re-play a Wing Leader giving an addition 2xp to something that already gained 2xp when you originally played it. Its also great with Leia, Bohdi, Fleet Lieut and Snow Speeder for a double attack. When buffing a unit, its always good to try and do it to a shielded unit if you used asteroid sanctuary earlier.
--Side Board-- Cantina Bouncer vs Snow Speeder: I find them both to fill different roles but equally as good. Against control Cantina Bouncer (brutal with A new adventure) is a must. Against more aggressive decks use Snow Speeder.
Outmaneuver vs Shoot First: If youre expecting a lot of space units, add Outmaneuvers and take out Shoot First. The reason is you are already taking valuable trades with Jyns ability and if they are playing Space units they arnt playing as many grounds which means less value for Shoot First.
Lando vs Falcon (6 cost): On paper the falcon seems great, especially being played as smuggle. I just found Lando's ability to give me back some events to close out the game next turn more useful. You drop Lando and Jyn in the same turn and Lando can get around sentinel and shields.
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