Good Soldiers Follow Orders

Outcast Sergeant
Chopper Base

Command AspectCunning AspectHeroism Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $100.31
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Draw Cards


Published July 20, 2024

Hunter may not be a very good leader, but this deck is VERY fun to play. It feels similar to a combo deck, it doesn't really have any game breaking combos but there is a big loop you play with this deck that is a lot of fun. I have play tested this quite a bit both in person and online and it works pretty great.

You won't be using Hunter's ability too much on the front, I find that costing a resource to use the ability is fairly annoying. His unit side however is a lot better than I thought it was going to be. A 5/8 unit with Overwhelm is actually very viable, although i think him being a 6/8 would have made it a LOT better. Then you throw on his ability for an on-attack trigger and it really sets you up to have a great turn once you reach 7 resources.

Generally, you are going to want to have an Omega in your opening hand, if not you should have something to help find an Omega such as Recruit. If you can't have either then you will want something to play turn 1 like Maz or R2.

There are a couple things you want to set up for with this deck, with the main one being the Millennium Falcon loop. Since you have 6 Millennium Falcons in the deck, it is easy to play the 3 cost one then discard another one with Echo the next turn to give it 2 experience tokens. Then eventually use the Marauder to get it in play as a resource, which you could use Hunter's ability to get it back. But I have found that this loop works well with Omega since you can find more Omegas and Echos with Omega's ability.

The way this deck closes games out is by playing Wrecker, Falcon, and Han Solo. These 3 do a lot of damage and are great late game units. It is very easy to cycle through this deck with the amount of card draw, searching, and deck manipulation.

Lastly there are a few support cards to mention. Maz Kanata is great as you will be playing a lot of units, and she can be played early to start ramping up. Cobb Vanth is great to find pieces like R2 and Omega to get them out for free. Echo Base Defender and Chewbacca are here for sentinel, you really need some sentinel to protect Omega and other units. Ezra is fantastic deck manipulation and has good stats if you play him on turn 3. Kallus is good since this deck has pretty much only unique units, plus being able to ambush and kill a unique unit of your opponent's pretty much replaces him in your hand with the card draw if he dies, the worst he can get is 1 card draw but you could easily get 2 or more. Bright Hope is good to combo with Echo or any ETB units. Spark of Hope is great ramp. Lastly U-Wing Reinforcement is amazing, you are able to flood the board with your combo pieces and take over the game.

Again, this deck is not extremely good, but with learning the flow of the deck and how all the cards work together, it is extremely fun to play! Hope you all enjoy!



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