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Published January 20, 2025
####Yes, it's a budget deck and yes, with it I came 2nd in the São Paulo PQ at the Epic Game with 64 players.
First of all, I'd like to thank the people at bravo jogos, I only got this far because I play with the best every week.
My deck is an adaptation of the following list: https://swudb.com/deck/view/sSNdYsQIk
I only lost to Jango Tkt and Han Y, so I had to face them both again in the topcut. Here's what I faced in the tournament:
Round1: 2-0 vs Qi'ra ECL Round2: 2-0 vs Jango Tarkintown Round3: 1-2 vs Jango Tarkintown Round4: 0-2 vs Han1 Y Round5: 2-0 vs Maul ECL Round6: 2-0 vs Han2 ECL Round7: 2-1 vs Sabine ECL
Top 8:
Quarter-final: 2-0 Jango Tarkintown Semi-final: 2-0 Cad Bane U Final: 0-2 Han Y
Explanation for some things:
I don't have Kylo's TIE Silencer so I had to use Mercenary Gunship.
I also don't have Cad Bane, so I used Palpatine instead, and believe it or not he saw play twice.
Overall, it's a standard Jango deck:
Don't mulligan if you have a Triple Dark Raid in your hand.
On turn 1, the ideal is to eliminate the opponent's first move with ISB and Tarkintown or put in a Crafty Smuggler.
Turn 2, attack first, then place a ship.
Turn 3 is the turn for the Triple Dark Raid and if you're lucky get the Ruthless Raider.
Turn 4, if you have Ruthless and Sneak Attack, you'll only deal 8 damage per turn and you'll still have Jango to deploy.
Turn 5 onwards is to try and close out the game as quickly as possible.
About the side deck:
I don't have Bazine either, if I did I would have used it a lot.
Waylay I used in all matches and replaced Cartel Spacer and Mercenary Gunship, I believe it's possible to use it in the Main Deck.
I didn't need to use Disabling Fang Fighter, Breaking In and Vambrace, those would have been cards to play against Rey.
I used Confederate Tri-fighter, I think it's better than Wolffe (which I don't have either) and I even prevented the opponent from recovering 6 life with Reinforcement Walker.
All in all, I wanted to try and show that it's not the deck but how you play it.
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