// Mando Grogu // .dec exported on 07/01/2024 10:35:05 // // Leader and Base 1 The Mandalorian, Sworn to the Creed 1 Capital City // Ground Units 2 Cloud City Wing Guard 2 Crafty Smuggler 3 Grogu, Irresistible 2 Han Solo, Reluctant Hero 2 Kanan Jarrus, Revealed Jedi 2 Syndicate Lackeys 3 The Mandalorian, Wherever I Go, He Goes 2 Yoda, Old Master // Space Units 3 Cartel Turncoat 3 Distant Patroller 3 Razor Crest, Reliable Gunship 2 Redemption, Medical Frigate 3 Vigilant Pursuit Craft // Events 1 Cunning 3 Surprise Strike 3 This Is The Way 2 You're My Only Hope // Upgrades 2 Jedi Lightsaber 2 Snapshot Reflexes 2 The Mandalorian's Rifle 3 Wanted