// Thrawn Green // .dec exported on 07/04/2024 02:53:26 // // Leader and Base 1 Grand Admiral Thrawn, Patient and Insightful 1 Echo Base // Ground Units 1 Admiral Motti, Brazen and Scornful 1 Admiral Piett, Captain of the Executor 1 Bib Fortuna, Jabba's Majordomo 1 Blizzard Assault AT-AT 1 Bossk, Deadly Stalker 1 Bounty Hunter Crew 1 Darth Vader, Commanding the First Legion 1 Escort Skiff 1 General Tagge, Concerned Commander 1 Grand Moff Tarkin, Death Star Overseer 1 Greedo, Slow on the Draw 1 ISB Agent 1 Jawa Scavenger 2 Mercenary Company 1 Reinforcement Walker 1 Seasoned Shoretrooper 1 Steadfast Battalion 1 Superlaser Technician 1 Syndicate Lackeys 1 Vanguard Infantry 2 Viper Probe Droid // Space Units 1 Cartel Spacer 1 Chimaera, Flagship of the Seventh Fleet 3 Gladiator Star Destroyer 2 Mining Guild TIE Fighter 2 Outer Rim Headhunter 2 Patrolling V-Wing 1 Seventh Fleet Defender // Events 3 Asteroid Sanctuary 2 Disarm 2 I Had No Choice 1 Maximum Firepower 2 No Good to Me Dead 1 Outmaneuver 1 Overwhelming Barrage 1 Prepare for Takeoff 1 Surprise Strike 1 Waylay