Tarkin Yellow with the Imperial Army

Grand Moff Tarkin
Oversector Governor
Chopper Base

Command AspectCunning AspectVillainy Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $40.36
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Draw Cards


Published August 09, 2024

You can't rely only on the sky.

The key cards on this decks are:

Incinerator trooper - on the ground basically a shoot first with legs, you can upgrade him or use snowtrooper or surprise strike to deal with big things

Lurking TIE Phantom - to deal with control, immediately upgrade this so you can't get the make an opening

Triple dark raid - with three resources you can play the Seventh Fleet Defender to deal with space threats before playing the Lurking TIE or play the TIE Advanced to provide 2 experience to another unit then play again next turn. With 6 resources you can play the Reinforcement walker, basically a Beater that will provide a maximum of 6 health for your base.

Most of the time you will resource the AT-ST and Reinforcement Walker

In the turn one, if you start you will prioritize the Incinerator Trooper, if you are second you will prioritize puting ISB agent depending on the other player play.

Keep at least a confiscate or traitorous in the hand in case your lurking got stolen.

That's it.



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