// Son of Dathomir // .dec exported on 12/22/2024 07:24:59 // // Leader and Base 1 Maul, A Rival in Darkness 1 Sundari // Ground Units 3 Darth Maul, Revenge At Last 3 Embo, Stoic and Resolute 3 Fifth Brother, Fear Hunter 3 Guardian of the Whills 3 Kylo Ren, Killing the Past 3 Morgan Elsbeth, Keeper of Many Secrets 3 Pyke Sentinel 2 Supreme Leader Snoke, Shadow Ruler 3 Viper Probe Droid // Space Units 3 Imperial Interceptor 2 Inferno Four, Unforgetting 2 Ruthless Raider // Events 2 Bravado 3 Force Lightning 3 It Binds All Things 2 Make an Opening // Upgrades 3 Brutal Traditions 2 Fallen Lightsaber 2 Perilous Position // Sideboard 2 Avenger, Hunting Star Destroyer 3 Disabling Fang Fighter 2 Fell the Dragon 2 Force Choke 3 Force Throw 2 Krayt Dragon 3 The Zillo Beast, Awoken from the Depths