// Pink Aeon Flux - Copy // .dec exported on 06/29/2024 16:55:28 // // Leader and Base 1 Boba Fett, Collecting the Bounty 1 Capital City // Ground Units 3 Boba Fett, Disintegrator 3 Bossk, Deadly Stalker 2 Count Dooku, Darth Tyranus 2 Del Meeko, Providing Overwatch 3 Gideon Hask, Ruthless Loyalist 2 Greedo, Slow on the Draw 3 Viper Probe Droid // Space Units 2 Avenger, Hunting Star Destroyer 3 Fett's Firespray, Pursuing the Bounty 3 Inferno Four, Unforgetting 3 Strafing Gunship // Events 2 Cunning 2 I Am Your Father 2 Make an Opening 3 Power of the Dark Side 2 Superlaser Blast 3 Surprise Strike 2 Takedown 3 Vanquish 3 Vigilance