Rebel Resource: 1st Place 1k Madison - Blonde Sabine

Sabine Wren
Galvanized Revolutionary
Chopper Base

Aggression AspectCunning AspectHeroism Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $141.36
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Draw Cards


Published May 08, 2024

This is the list that took down the Misty Mountain Games $1k with a 1st place finish on May the 4th, 2024.

Overall, this deck went 9-1 record. Here is a breakdown of the match history.

Round One: 1-2 - Loss against Tarkin Red Round Two: 2-1 - Win against Green Boba Round Three: 2-1 - Win against Green Krennic Round Four: 2-0 - Win against Green Sabine Round Five: 2-1 - Win against Green Sabine Round Six: 2-1 - Win against Green Luke Round Seven: 2-1 - Win against Green Boba Round Eight: 2-1 - Win against Yellow Palpatine Round Nine: 2-1 - Win against Double Yellow Boba Fett

This description will have an updated video soon from my channel. Subscribe here:

If this list has changed, that is because this is a living deck list. I have been editing this list for about a month and testing it against some of the top players that have placed in tournaments. (Poem, SIP, Thorrk, Avestator, etc.)

Much thanks to everyone who has help contribute to this list. It is not just me, there was a lot of play testing behind this one! Frank from the Orlando $5k and I have been testing.

In my personal opinion, I think Yellow Sabine was sort of passed up for Green Sabine. I am pretty certain that Green Sabine is too linear and easy to counter. This deck has better sideboard options and is more resilient in the late game against mid-range and life gain control decks. Also, this deck wins 60-80% against Green Sabine, which is a large portion of a lot of metas right now.



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