The time for our attack has come (Quad Color w/ Red)

Han Solo
Audacious Smuggler
Energy Conversion Lab

Command AspectCunning AspectHeroism Aspect
Total: 52 Cards


Deck Price: $69.43
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Draw Cards

by Oddball

Published February 29, 2024

After testing my Han/Energy Conversion Lab (, I found that Home One wasn't as good a bomb for our U-Wing Reinforcement deck. When I learned that ECL and U-Wing Reinforcements only look at the printed costs, not the modified ones we may need to pay, it might be time to try a four aspect deck!

The fun combos: On resource turn 5 you can use Han's hero ability to get to 6 resources, deploy him, attack and put a 7th resource into play after he swings, then play U-Wing Reinforcement.

U-Wing Reinforcement can put Red Rebels in to play, ignoring their aspect penalty (it only looks at their printed costs).

Using Sneak Attack, ECL, and/or Frontline Shuttle with Overwhelm units (K2SO, or Steadfast Battalion) can help push extra damage on base and clear the board.

If you're able to save ECL, you can use it on a Guerilla Attack Pod. If either base has 15 or more damage it will ready after it is given Ambush and attack (both are When Play Abilities).

Things I need to try:

Wedge as another source of Ambush/Ready shenanigans with the Attack Pod?

Trying to squeeze Rogue Squadron Skirmishers back in?



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