// No Unit Vader // .dec exported on 07/04/2024 18:14:18 // // Leader and Base 1 Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith 1 Capital City // Events 2 Bombing Run 3 Force Choke 3 Force Throw 3 I Am Your Father 3 It Binds All Things 3 Make an Opening 3 Moment of Peace 3 Open Fire 2 Power of the Dark Side 3 Repair 3 Takedown 3 Vanquish 1 Vigilance // Upgrades 3 Devotion 3 Entrenched 3 Fallen Lightsaber 3 Resilient 3 Vader's Lightsaber // Sideboard 1 Electrostaff 2 Keep Fighting 2 Precision Fire 3 Restock 2 Search Your Feelings