// Krayt Ramp // .dec exported on 07/04/2024 22:07:15 // // Leader and Base 1 Han Solo, Worth the Risk 1 Energy Conversion Lab // Ground Units 3 Battlefield Marine 3 Echo Base Defender 3 Krayt Dragon 3 Modded Cohort 3 Poe Dameron, Quick to Improvise 3 Steadfast Battalion 3 Sundari Peacekeeper // Space Units 3 Consortium StarViper 3 Home One, Alliance Flagship 3 The Marauder, Shuttling the Bad Batch // Events 3 Karabast 3 Open Fire 3 Resupply 3 Spark of Hope 3 Strike True // Upgrades 3 Vambrace Flamethrower // Sideboard 3 Adelphi Patrol Wing 3 Disabling Fang Fighter 1 Restock 3 Timely Intervention