Unleash The Legions
Total: 50 Cards
Ground Units (26)
Space Units (16)
Events (8)
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Draw Cards
Published December 06, 2024
I made a 42 card deck and put in 8 auto-resources. They're almost obvious, but just in case you're looking for them, they are:
Luke Dryden Emperor Palp Krayt Dragon Zillo Beast Gor Avenger Finalizer
How to play this deck:
You have a TON of cheaper units in here, but the real workhorses are Colonel Yularen and Poggle the Lesser. Yularen keeps healing with the green that you'll deploy, Poggle creates droids to sacrifice so that you can ping and draw. Ramping twice can usually get you over the hump to have the threat of emperor deploy AND get your Arquitens Cruisers active... and this is where the fun begins. They ambush in space and create resources with every unit they defeat, further pushing the ramp of the deck.
That 8 resource turn can also stabilize games with the walkers, but the real goal is 14 for Endless Legions, where all the auto-resource cards can come back into play (as well as your opponents ships). If you sequence it right, you can do some really silly things with that and play some units to the board, Finalizer to capture whatever is left from your opponent, then Dryden to put your favorite unit of theirs in play under your control.
Is this going to win you a PQ? Not a chance. Is this going to shock someone at locals when you're all playing for fun? It sure is.
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