3rd Place Sabine ECL - Planetary Qualifier Colorado 10/5

Sabine Wren
Galvanized Revolutionary
Energy Conversion Lab

Aggression AspectCommand AspectHeroism Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $211.06
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Draw Cards


Published October 06, 2024

3rd Place at the Planetary Qualifier in Colorado Springs on 10/5 at Petrie's Family Games. Full signed up 66 player cap plus wait list, but had about 20 no-shows, so tourney launched at 46 players.

Last undefeated deck in Swiss (lost game 6 to Han2 Blue ending 5-1). Decks played in order: Leia Red30 / Han2 ECL / Gar Yellow30 / Han2 ECL / Qi'ra Green30 / Han2 Blue30 (Lost).

Top 8: x2 Qi'ra Green30 / x2 Han2 Blue / Sabine ECL / Iden Blue30 / Han2 ECL / Rey Tarkintown.

Top 4: Qi'ra Green30 (defeated Qi'ra Green30) Sabine ECL (defeated Han2 ECL) Iden Blue (defeated Han2 Blue) Rey Tarkintown (defeated Han2 Blue)

Finals: Qi'ra Green30 (defeated Sabine ECL) Iden Blue30 (defeated Rey Tarkintown after time. Came down to health remaining on base - Both bases had 5 damage, but Tarkintown start at 25 so it was a loss for Rey).

Iden Blue came out on top!

Biggest Lessons: Sabine ECL is faster than Han2 ECL. Gar Yellow is a very cool deck. Do not auto-pilot Sabine ping yourself into lethal range of an Avenger while casting a For a Cause setting up another For A Cause on top for the win during the semifinals.



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